Monday, September 30, 2019

Cuban Missile Crisis and Cold War Assignment Essay

During the 1960’s, one of the most thing that the American government and the American people had to face was the Cold War. People who grew up during the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s would have talked about the war like it was an everyday thing. But, as the years and decades have gone by people have might have a different option and some might not even know or remember what it was. Interviewing 3 people will show what the average citizen knows or remembers about the Cold War. During the interviews, I asked 3 questions that would help me find this answer. They included, what words or phrases come to mind when you think of the term Cold War? Did you ever study the Cold War in school? If so, what are some aspects of the Cold War that you remember? Who were the parties involved in the Cold War? Can you name any key events that we mainly associate with the Cold War? The first person that was interviewed said the first word that came to mind when asked about the Cold War was the Cuban missile crisis. This person did study the Cold War in school and remembered that the United States was trying to keep most of the things discrete when it came to the political side of the war. The parties involved according to this person were the United States and the Soviet Union. Some of the key events that were associated were of course the Cuban Missile Crisis, the dealership of arms at the time, and the nuclear weapons involved. This person remembered a key point in the Cold War but, did not remember in detail what was taught in school. The second person that was interviewed stated the key things that came to mind about the Cold War, was the Soviet Union. They also mentioned that the Soviet Union had fallen after the Cold War. This person has also studied the Cold War in school and remembered that it lasted a long time and was after WWII. This person said the parties that were involved were the Soviet Union and the United States. The key elements that most people would relate to the Cold War were the length of the war and that it cost the United States so much money. They stated that the war was over a 4 decade period and said it cost upward to 8 trillion dollars and countless numbers of lives lost. This person knew about the cold war but only remembers a little of what was taught from school. The final person that was interviewed, stated that the first thing that came to mind when asked about the Cold War was the war was based the state of military rivalry and political tensions. The war consisted of the United States government and the government of the Soviet Union. The United States lost many lives in the hundreds throughout the long drawn out war. The person stated that they did study the Cold War in school and can remember how controversial it was for the American people and also with the government. The individual stated that the two parties they can think have been the United States and the Soviet Union. Finally, a key element of the war that was known across the United States was that the war had the complications of nuclear weapons and the countries trying to become a leader in arms dealing. Basically, see who had the most weapons and the more military firepower and power overall. This person had more knowledge as far as the understanding and remembrance of the Cold War. After conducting the interviews about the Cold War, there are some similarities to what the people who were interviewed had said. The definition of the Cold War was similar to the one given at the beginning of the assignment. All of the definitions of what the cold war was about and what were the key elements have to do with the political issues and the issues of the American people. This shows that people were divided in deciding if the Cold War was the right way to go. There was a lot of tension and cautiousness about the topic of the Cold War.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Christian Worldview Essay

Worldview Part I What is a worldview? â€Å"A worldview, is a response of our heart or inner being; our intellect, emotion or will. It is the total framework we bring to decision-making† (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p.51). An example is the Christian worldview. The way we as Christians behave should be in direct correlation with the teachings of Jesus as to how we should live our lives. People who hold to the Christian worldview should act as if everything they do matters. Many Christians these days do not act in a consistent manner to what their worldview is (Keener). Part II The question of Origin, Genesis 1:1 (ESV Bible) shows God creating the heavens and the earth in the beginning. â€Å"God is the infinite, personal, sovereign and good being who created the universe† (Lefebvre, 2011). Isaiah 45:18 (ESV Bible) describes how God created the heavens and formed the earth and create it and intended it to be inhabitated. The question of Identity- Genesis 1:27(ESV Bible) God created man in His own image. Psalm 139:14(ESV Bible) I am fearfully and wonderfully made. It is because we are made in God’s image that sets us apart from all other aspects of creation. This identity with God bestows upon us great distinction. We have to understand as clearly as possible what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God (Naugle, 2010). The Question of Meaning/Purpose- We as Christians believe that our purpose is to do the will of God. John 15:16(ESV Bible) we are appointed to go and bear fruit. In Matthew 28:19(ESV Bible) we are commanded to go and make disciples. Through-out the Bible, God has charged us with being the salt of the earth and light of the world, He has commanded us to go and compel them to come so that his house may be filled. As we can see our main purpose is to live a life that exemplifies Christ and leads others to Him. The Question of Morality- Romans 5:12-14(ESV Bible) sin entered the world. Romans 3:23(ESV Bible) we all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. God is the ultimate standard of morality and because of the depravity of man we cannot live up to His standard, thus needing redemption through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. The Question of Destiny- it is clear throughout the Bible about our final destination. John  3:16-17, John 5:13-14 (ESV Bible) and many other verses in the Bible make it clear that if we do not put our faith and trust in God and accept the gift of salvation that we will not spend eternal life with Him but rather burn in the lake of fire. God also makes it clear that the gift of salvation cannot be earned Eph. 2:8-9. Part III A biblical worldview should influence the way you think about, treat, and speak to others on a daily basis because we should treat people how we would want to be treated, Matthew 7:12 (ESV Bible). If we are to believe that God created us in His likeness and He commands us to go out and make disciples for Him then we would have to also believe that we should think, treat and speak to others in a Christ like manner on a daily basis. To not do so would make us as Christians look hypocritical in the eyes of non-believers. †¦.treat/interact with the environment and non-human creation? In Genesis 1:26(ESV Bible) God commands us to have dominion over the earth and subdue it. This does not mean that we can ravage the land and kill all the creatures on it. We are to be stewards of what God has given us and that includes the earth and the creatures on it. References Keener, D. (n.d.). What is a worldview?. Retrieved from Lefebvre, M. (2011, April 02). Worldviews-christian. Retrieved from Naugle, D. (2010, February 14). Developing a biblical worldview. Retrieved from Tackett, D. (n.d.). What’s a christian worldview?. Retrieved from Weider, L., & Gutierrez, B. (2011). Consider. Virginia Beach: Academic Publishing Services, Inc.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Imlementing strategy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Imlementing strategy - Coursework Example However the government also exercises the use of central control measures and the exertion of control on workers who are reluctant to abide by the set policies. Leaders of public service organizations tend to underestimate change complexity and instead focus on tools, strategy and structure instead of relating to individual employees (Karp & Helgo, 2008). Such practices are seen as archaic, driving out talented personnel or causing them to underperform on the job. It is therefore important to understand the dynamics of change that takes place in an organization. The diagram that follows is a graphical model of the process of change. It begins with (1) a vision and articulated goals, against which (2) the current model is assessed. Out of this assessment and mindful of the vision and goals, (3) the desired model is formulated and defined, for which (4) operational plans are designed. Finally, (5) the operational plans are implemented, and the result of this implementation is fed back and compared against the vision, and the cycle is repeated. At some point, the change adoption would be considered either completed or unfeasible, at which case routine management techniques take over again. The process described is viewed from an organizational perspective; from the perspective of the human element, the transition process is not as straightforward. The second diagram below depicts the more complicated process of changing people’s minds and hearts to adapt to the change. The human subject is seen to go through a roller coaster of emotions that can end in either denial, disillusionment, hostility, or full acceptance and even advancement of the change measure. Because it refers to employees’ reactions, the transition process is encountered in the implementation of the change, and the simultaneous objects and agents of change are the organization’s staff. 3. Current literature on the process of managing strategic change. The following are recent fi ndings by researchers published in academic journals: 3.1 The main external drivers for change include customer requirements, demand from the stakeholders, regulatory demand, market competition and the shareholders; the internal drivers include the need to improve operational efficiency, the quality of service and processes (Oakland & Tanner, 2007). 3.2 Some reasons change efforts fail include four findings: first, too little effort is exerted by leaders into convincing employees of the merits of change; second, change is often seen as a single event when in truth it is an iterative process; third, leaders often conduct change with a top-down, rather than a bottom-up, approach; finally, organizations and leaders lack the flexibility to effect successful change (Manikandan, 2010). 3.3 Public service organizations, such as fire and rescue service units, operate in a complex environment that are constrained to respond to dynamic changes in society; furthermore, they are rich in people diversity, processes and culture, making change management extremely complex (Karp & Helgo, 2008). 3.4 Transformational change is anchored upon people skills, involving the articulation and internalization of a common shared vision by employees. Creating a shared vision is the most positive way of unfreezing

Friday, September 27, 2019

To Immunize or Not To Immunize, That is the Question Essay

To Immunize or Not To Immunize, That is the Question - Essay Example Through this method, the vaccine produced will have the capability of providing immunity against the virus, protecting the individual under consideration from falling sick. Vaccines also have the capability of eradicating the disease under consideration (Colgrove, 2007). A good example is the total eradication of small pox, which some generations ago, the disease was responsible for killing thousands and thousands of people (Merino, 2012). Due to immunization, the world health organization’s managed to contain the disease, and eradicate it completely. Currently, governments and health care institutions have a policy of vaccinating little children against polio. It is important to denote that polio has been contained, due to vaccination programs, even though it is not totally eradicated (Colgrove, 2007). It is within my belief, that in the coming years, there will be a total eradication of polio. This is all thanks to the vaccination programs being carried out by various health care institutions, and government agencies. Vaccinating people against a disease is always effective and safe. Vaccines are only administered to people after a long period of trials, and clinical tests, concerning the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine under consid eration (Merino, 2012). In as much as there will be some side effects when a vaccine is administered in an individual, it does not mean that the vaccine harmful to the individual concerned. On the contrary, these side effects such as fever, body rashes, are an indication that the vaccine under consideration is working (Studer and Douch, 2010). Most people associate the occurrence of fever in an individual as a bad thing. However, this is not always the case, as it depends with what type of fever an individual suffers from (Merino, 2012). The dangerous type of fever, are the ones that rise quickly, leading to seizures. However, fevers

Thursday, September 26, 2019

To what extent advertising affects women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

To what extent advertising affects women - Essay Example In a more specific term, the paper will critically analyze the effects of advertisement to the female or women audience relative to the use of sex, female models, women as sex objects and the superwoman. Before examining the effects of advertisements to the female audience, it is important to have an overview on what is advertising. In brief, advertising is the tool used to promote a product or a service to the intended market or audience. Advertisements are used to draw the attention of the consumers and prospect market and highlight the importance or the characteristics of the product or service. In the earlier years of advertising, barbershops used strips of red, white, and blue to advertise their services. However, due to the enhancement of technology, many had used every medium platform to advertise. Today, advertising has many forms which come from print to multimedia, and down to social networking websites (Petley 4). In relation to the term gender role, it is defined as the norms of a certain culture that is associated with the male and female. Therefore, in order for advertisements to be effective in a certain culture, advertisers must learn the past, the origin, and the current gender roles of the target audience. In certain societies, men and women have lesser differences; however, there are also societies where the masculine values are considered higher than the feminine values. Nonetheless, according to McArthur and Resk, in most of the cultures, gender roles differ in six major aspects, which include credibility, role, location, persuasive arguments, rewards and product type (qtd. in Ifezue 15). Credibility differs among men and women in most cultures because men are considered more authoritative than women. This can be supplemented by independent roles that man portrays, while women portray roles that are dependent on their relationships with other people. Due to the authority of men,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The rights and responsibilities that the Constitution gives American Research Paper

The rights and responsibilities that the Constitution gives American citizens - Research Paper Example It meant that a citizen, as a matter of right, cannot be arrested, detained nor its property be seized without justifiable cause and procedures. Each American has the right to the â€Å"due process of law that protects all these rights. The principle of due process clause is found in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and states that no person shall be deprived of â€Å"life, liberty, or property, without due process of law† (Rights and Responsibilities of American Citizens). The principle of due process ensures that the laws must be fair and reasonable, must be in accordance with the Constitution, and must apply to everyone equally. b. Right to equality The right to equality is one of the crowning glories of American society where everybody has the same rights and privileges from where the lowest menial worker in the country has the same right and privilege of that of the highest officer or richest man in the land. The right to equality is guaranteed in the Fourteenth Amend ment. It meant that every citizen is entitled to the same equal protection of laws in the United States regardless of race, creed or political orientation. This right protects every American from discrimination and arbitrary treatment that ranges from work opportunities to availing of social services. c. Right to liberty This guaranteed right of each American made United States the proverbial â€Å"land of the free†. ... r the constitution Vote in federal elections Serve on a jury Bring family members to the United States Obtain citizenship for children born abroad Travel with a U.S. passport Run for federal office Become eligible for federal grants and scholarship These rights however come with a duty to ensure that such rights are enjoyed by every citizen and to ensure the perpetuity of the political condition that make the enjoyment of such rights possible. Duties are mandatory and are subjected to penalty under the law while responsibilities are done voluntarily and are a positive response from a citizen to contribute to the government and community that his or her enjoyment of rights may continue. Duties every American citizens Obey the law Pay taxes Defend the country Serve in court Attend school Responsibilities of every American citizen Know your right as a citizen that they may be preserved Respect the rights of others Serve the community II. Questions: a. To what extent does the Constitutio n protect the right of privacy?   The â€Å"right to privacy† is not literally stated in the Constitution of the United States. In fact, the word â€Å"privacy† cannot even be found. And so are other important rights like the right to marriage and family. It is because the constitution only spells out what the government can do what the people can do. The constitution limits or delineates the powers that the government is authorized to exercise. Examples of these are the prohibition of the authorities to keep a person in jail indefinitely without the benefit of a fair trial, nor can it search or seize properties without due process of law nor the government can enact laws that will abridge the rights of the freedom of speech, assembly, religion etch. This explains the absence of the literal

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparison of of two psychiatric intervention, that is Pharmacology Essay

Comparison of of two psychiatric intervention, that is Pharmacology and Behaviour Therapy - Essay Example Two weeks prior to the current incident, Cleo lowered her dosage of medication (she lives with her family and they encouraged her to alter her medication). This action led to a "decompensation" of her mental state which the doctors think could have been a contributing factor to her most recent episode. It should be noted that Cleo has a "significant history" of non-compliance with treatment and medication regiments. Cleos family, though they are supportive, do not understand the extent of Cleos mental health. Although Cleo talks about her family a lot, she also believes them to be involved with the Nazis and she must protect them; hence the reason why she does not want to be in the hospital. During her current hospital stay, she became violent and suspicious with staff. Her behaviour is always unpredictable: She can be talking nicely to staff one minute and then jump across the counter to hurt someone in the next minute. She is also sexually promiscuous with other patients and she takes things form them. Other behaviour that she has exhibited include burning her hair, shaving her head (to be in fashion), and later cutting herself and licking the wound to "cleanse her spirit" (Case Study, p. 38). Through Cleos promiscuous behaviour she has contracted a sexually transmitted disease. She was caught having sex with one patient and trying to seduce another. Although the hospitals has a policy that allows patients to have sex, staff questions whether Cleo can actually give consent for sex. After talking to her family about it, they are split as to how they feel. Part of them feel she has a right to have sex with anyone she wants, and the other part of the family thinks that the other patients may take advantage of her. Cleos behaviour has created safety issues for everyone on the Ward. Many employees want to move to another area and others want Cleo to be moved. There have been increased absences and requests for workplace safety and Insurance Board claims.

Monday, September 23, 2019

How can managers assist employees with their career development Research Paper

How can managers assist employees with their career development - Research Paper Example It has also been stated that presence of a motivated workforce is very critical to the success of a firm in the market. It has been proved in various researches that job satisfaction is an essential aspect that leads to motivation among the employees. A motivated employee is known to provide the best shot at the workplace and is likely to view his or her tasks as responsibilities rather than routine work that can lead to organizational efficiency generating competitive advantage for the organization. The aspect of motivation is also directly linked to career development of the individual employees. The role of the manager or the supervisor becomes very important in this regard as their attitude can lead to considerable effects on the level of motivation and job satisfaction. The present paper would try to analyze the role of the managers in assisting employees towards their career development Analysis The concept of career development has been a matter of consistent research over the last few decades. During the era of the 80’s the focus was based on the ‘unitarist’ practices with employees extending their career options to multiple employers in an attempt to get the best of development of their personal careers. The present age has led to a situation in which employers are facing issues of high turnovers that has led to formulation of strategies that call for the need to ensure career development of the employees so as to ensure motivation and job satisfaction that can in turn help retain the best employees in the organization. The aspect of career development also calls on managers and supervisors to formulate practices that tend to encourage and improve their learning curves. The recent recession and downturn in the markets also had a very negative impact on the relationship with employees and their managers as well as on the careers of employees who were downsized in order to maintain costs. However, many organizations and managers have realized this as an opportunity to ensure a relationship based on partnerships and mutual benefits leading to a condition of greater shared responsibility that has led to generation of a positive sentiment even during times of severe crisis situations like the economic recession (Bratton & Gold, 2001, p.172-180). Figure 1: Career Development Model (Source: Bratton & Gold, 2001, p.182) The figure above shows a career development plan that combines the organizational needs along with the career development of an employee in the organization. The model proposes a session for career counseling that can be used to integrate organizational requirements with the career growth and competence of an individual employee. The model also shows a significant and important role for the manager in the entire process as the entire task of making a mutual integration with the career goals of an individual employee. The manager has a key role in making a decision about the type of training program tha t should be suitable for the employee so as to ensure organizational development as well as career development of an individual (Bratton & Gold, 2001, p.172-180). Numerous research conducted by academic and professional circles have stated the importance of the role of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Practical research assignment report outline Literature review

Practical research assignment report outline - Literature review Example Today there are more than 10 million possums in Northland alone (Northland Regional Council, 2014). The population has increased mostly owing to the non-existence of any natural predators of this pest. Studies have been done to understand the impact of possum infestation and fecal analysis of the pests has shown evidence of bird predation especially native forest birds. Possums are a major threat to local birds such as the kokako and kukupa (Landcare Research, 2014). Possums are also a major threat to the vegetation of New Zealand. It is estimated that possums feed on almost 21,000 tons of vegetation every single day (Landcare Research, 2014). Stoats are members of the Mustelid family which also includes weasels and ferrets. By 1880, New Zealand, had already suffered problems from harmful pests such as rabbits and hares. Stoats were imported from Britain and introduced in New Zealand as biological control for rabbits. Today, stoats are widespread in most parts of New Zealand and have themselves become mammalian pests. They are extremely adaptable to any living conditions where they may find food (Dept. Of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai, 2014). Stoats are a major concern since they are a natural predator of several native birds of New Zealand such as the bush canary (yellow head) and kaka. They not only destroy the nests of the birds but also feed on their eggs and nestlings. This has led to sharp decline in the population of these forest birds. In New Zealand three kinds of rats- the common rat, Pacific rat and kiore rat have been introduced. Kiore rats were introduced by the Maori as source of food. However today, rats pose a major threat to the biodiversity of New Zealand since they feed on birds, bird eggs and other small invertebrates such as lizards. Use of chemicals to manage pests has been proved to be efficient. In 2011, an efficient and humane toxicant Para-aminopropiophenone was introduced. This

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Plan Columbia Essay Example for Free

Plan Columbia Essay The term Plan Colombia is most often used to refer to U.S. legislation aimed at curbing drug smuggling and combating aleft-wing insurgency by supporting different activities in Colombia.[1] Plan Colombia can also refer to a wider aid initiative originally proposed by Colombian President Andrà ©s Pastrana Arango, which included U.S. military/counter-narcotics aid, but was not limited to it. The plan was conceived between 1998 and 1999 by the administration of Pastrana with the goals of ending the Colombian armed conflict and creating an anti-cocainestrategy. Critics of the initiative also claimed that elements within the Colombian security forces, which received aid and training from the U.S., were involved in supporting or tolerating abuses by right-wing paramilitary forces against left-wing guerrilla organizations and their sympathizers. Another controversial element of the anti-narcotic strategy is aerial fumigation toeradicate coca. This activity has come under fire because it damages legal crops and has adverse health effects upon those exposed to the herbicides. Original Plan Colombia The original version of Plan Colombia was officially unveiled by President Andres Pastrana in 1999. Pastrana had first proposed the idea of a possible Marshall Plan for Colombia during a speech at Bogotà ¡s Tequendama Hotel on June 8, 1998, nearly a week after the first round of that years presidential elections. Pastrana argued that: [Drug crops are] a social problem whose solution must pass through the solution to the armed conflictDeveloped countries should help us to implement some sort of Marshall Plan for Colombia, which will allow us to develop great investments in the social field, in order to offer our peasants different alternatives to the illicit crops.[2] After Pastrana was inaugurated, one of the names given to the initiative at this early stage was Plan for Colombias Peace, which President Pastrana defined as a set of alternative development projects which will channel the shared efforts of multilateral organizations and [foreign] governments towards Colombian society.[2] Pastranas Plan Colombia, as originally presented, did not focus on drug trafficking, military aid, or fumigation,[3] but instead emphasized the manual eradication of drug crops as a better alternative.[4] According to author Doug Stokes, one of the earlier versions of the plan called for an estimated 55 per cent military aid and 45 percent developmental aid.[5] During an August 3, 1998 meeting, President Pastrana and U.S. President Bill Clinton discussed the possibility of securing an increase in U.S. aid for counternarcotics projects, sustainable economic development, the protection of human rights, humanitarian aid, stimulating private investment, and joining other donors and international financial institutions to promote Colombias economic growth. Diplomatic contacts regarding this subject continued during the rest of the year and into 1999.[6] For President Pastrana, it became necessary to create an official document that specifically served to convene important U.S. aid, as well as that of other countries and international organizations by adequately addressing US concerns. The Colombian government also considered that it had to patch up a bilateral relationship that had heavily deteriorated during the previous administration of President Ernesto Samper (1994–1998). According to Pastrana, Under Secretary of State Thomas R. Pickering eventually suggested that, initially, the U.S. could be able to commit to providing aid over a three year period, as opposed to continuing with separate yearly packages.[7] As a result of these contacts, US input was extensive, and meant that Plan Colombias first formal draft was originally written in English, not Spanish, and a Spanish version was not available until months after a revised English version was already in place.[8] Critics and observers have referred to the differences between the earliest versions of Plan Colombia and later drafts. Originally, the focus was on achieving peace and ending violence, within the context of the ongoing peace talks that Pastranas government was then holding with the FARC guerrillas, following the principle that the countrys violence had deep roots in the economic exclusion andinequality and poverty. The final version of Plan Colombia was seen as considerably different, since its main focuses would deal with drug trafficking and strengthening the military.[8] When this final version was debated on the U.S. Senate floor, Joseph Biden spoke as a leading advocate of the more hardline strategy.[9] Ambassador Robert White stated: If you read the original Plan Colombia, not the one that was written in Washington but the original Plan Colombia, theres no mention of military drives against the FARC rebels. Quite the contrary. (President Pastrana) says the FARC is part of the history of Colombia and a historical phenomenon, he says, and they must be treated as Colombians[Colombians] come and ask for bread and you (America) give them stones.[10] In the final U.S. aid package, 78.12 percent of the funds for 2000 went to the Colombian military and police for counternarcotics and military operations. (See graph, below) President Pastrana admitted that most of the resulting US aid to Colombia was overwhelmingly focused on the military and on counternarcotics (68%), but argued that this was only some 17% of the total amount of estimated Plan Colombia aid. The rest, focusing mostly on social development, would be provided by international organizations, Europe, Japan, Canada, Latin America, and Colombia itself. In light of this, Pastrana considered that the Plan had been unfairly labeled as militarist by national and international critics that focused only on the US contribution.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Saviour Siblings Debate

Saviour Siblings Debate A saviour sibling is a child who is born via pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). This shows any fatal diseases in embryo screening, to find a tissue type match for the existing sibling so that stem cell transplantation can take place with the newborns umbilical cord. Many people believe that this is unethical because it doesnt consider the newborns rights, or simply because some cannot understand what parents go through. This is often questioned because it is typically thought of as wrong and that it will lead to designer babies being born and that the sibling will be treated as a commodity. My response to this is that the arguments presented against saviour siblings are flawed, in that not allowing a saviour sibling to be created would result in deaths of many children worldwide and will therefore conclude that there is nothing unethical about it at all, rather its unethical to do the contrary. Since, would it not be unethical to fail to protect people who are able to be protected in this way, would avoiding this not mean we are posing a threat or harm to their life purposefully? In this essay I will discuss how creating a saviour sibling is ethical and parents are doing the most loving thing possible and providing the gift of life, but more importantly saving a life. The main argument against saviour siblings being an unethical procedure is that the dismissing of PGD will result in many childrens deaths, of which most could have been saved, if a saviour sibling was born. It is unethical to say that a child being brought into the world is for purpose only; it is much more than that. As Sheldon and Wilkinson point out, You have to have a very powerful reason to resist the means by which a childs life can be saved (p.533). They show that saying it is unethical because of a slim possibility the child may be treated differently is highly judgmental, and is not reason enough to dismiss the concept of saving lives. It is more unethical to not help someone who is severely ill; it would be allowing the pain to continue at your will. Those who choose to save a life are extremely loving and ethical to consider it in the first place, as it would be heartbreaking to watch a sick child and be helpless. No-one who has not been in that position is in any place to comment on it being unethical, saviour siblings are available as a last resort to save a life and reduce suffering where possible. Modern day medicine is created and technology advanced for these sorts of purposes. The argument defends the idea of a saviour sibling being ethical on the grounds that saving a life is always going to be better that not saving a life. That latter would be more unethical. The process involves motivation and so the parents are highly unlikely to be anything but supportive and loving throughout the process, and especially toward the new baby. Parents are faced with a hard decision of choosing ways to help their child, and when most options are exhausted saviour siblings can be the only option to severe illnesses. Overall, the circumstances surrounding them initially shows that they thought a life was worth fighting for and a saviour sibling would endure the same amount of care. It would be a strange thing to do of the parents, to then think of him/her as a purpose only since the result of saviour would oversee the so called means of existing only because of an end which is needed. In response to my argument, those who prohibit saviour siblings on ethical terms always stand by the main point that the child would be treated as a commodity since they would be unwanted after they have served a purpose of saving a sibling. The main concern is that it is unethical since the childs welfare and rights are not taken into consideration and would be treated differently especially if the saviour sibling was to end up not saving their life. How would the parents then treat the child? Some say that they would see it as a failure, and love it less because he/she did not fulfill their sole purpose of benefiting the sibling. This leads onto the next point, that saviour siblings are treated as a means to an end and this is extremely unethical to do so. It is wrong to create children under certain proposals for an outcome, and Kants Dictatum points this out, Never use people as a means, but always treat them as an ends(Harris, p.398). Treating the child as a means of saving a sibling, rather than an end in themselves is to create a child which is not done for a selfless reason and therefore unethical. If the child was to find out that this was why they existed, then he/she would certainly have psychological problems as they would always wonder what its life would have been like had they not been born in this way. The problem is of course, that people do conceive children in this way, for means, since the only outcome of creating a saviour sibling is to help someone else. However it is rightly argued against it, that in by saying a childs life would be bad is unfair, since how would anyone be able to know this? Just because they were born under circumstances, does not mean that it would be so. There must be a valid reason for saying this, or be able to at least show why this would be true. And more to the point, how by denying a saviour sibling on ethical terms is more harmful than children dying; it couldnt be that it is worse. As seen here, Psychological research studies have identified that children brought up through assisted reproduction technology have just as close a loving relationship with parentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦(Harris, p.399). No parent would go through the pain of it just to end up treating the saviour sibling as an object, or in an unmoral way. There would be more love for him/her, and equally no reason to just treat them as an end to suffering, but rather as a blessing in itself that they have a new child to love and one which has helped their other child. No one ever seems to question the motives of people who have children to save failing marriages, or to have a brother or sister for their current childs benefit of having someone to play with. These are surely more trivial reasons, which apparently are more acceptable than those, which save lives. It is wrong to say creating a saviour sibling to save a life is unethical but creating a child for instrumental purposes suiting the parents is ok, it only benefits the parents needs, but a saviour sibling will always benefit everyone. Aside from the views argued, there are further implications. The main consideration is that its unclear as to what should constitute as an unethical reason for having a saviour sibling, and who is to be judge of this. Certainly though, it cant be said that saviour siblings cause parents to pick designer characteristics such as blue eyes and brown hair, since there are regulations in place which would never allow this for this procedure. Freeman states, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦PGD was developed it was envisaged that embryos would be selected for their own intrinsic merit and not for utility to another person (Harris, p.391). This intrinsic merit must be to save a life and live as a healthy child, and not to please the parents by having certain designer features to their future child. Much thought goes into these views, and it would mean that it would be just as much of a thoughtful process for parents. It is never the case that a parent endures the process of saviour sibling creation for characteristic means or to then treat the child as a sole purpose only. There is no moral or ethical equal between a saviour sibling and producing a child for designer reasons, as that would be an insignificant purpose. It is not the done thing by good parents, it is not in their nature and they would not have considered the process had they been uncaring, unethical and non-loving. Parents are hard done by this criticism of not taking into consideration their childs welfare and all possible problems. The benefit of saving a life is always going to surpass reasons of saviour siblings being born as a commodity with no proof of how they will live; it has little substance to the question of it being unethical. I would challenge anyone to deny the views and processes a parent goes thr ough, when their child is dying in front of them, not one reason could be more unethical than not saving a life when it is possible.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Life and Death in California :: essays research papers

Life & Death in the State of California   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the United States, the first known execution was of Daniel Frank and it took place in the Colony of Virginia. Frank was executed in 1622 for the crime of theft (University of Alaska). Since the time of Daniel Frank, the death penalty has almost always been a part of our criminal justice system, starting in the colonies and continuing in the United States after we won our independence. As far as the United States goes, I am going to start off in 1930 because this was when the Bureau of Justice Statistics, United States Department of Justice, first started to compile data on a fairly regular basis. From 1930 through 1967, 3859 people were executed under civil circumstances in the United States. Others were executed but they were completed under the jurisdiction of the United States military. During this period of nearly forty years over half of those executed (54%) were black, forty five percent were white, and the remaining one percent were from other racial groups – America n Indians (a total of 19 executed from 1930-1967), Filipino (13), Chinese (8), Japanese (2). By far the majority of those being executed were men; only 32 women were executed between 1930 and 1967. During this same period of time the United States Army (and the Air Force) executed 160 people, including 106 executions for murder (21 involved rape), 53 for rape, and one for desertion. The U.S. Navy has not executed anyone since 1849 (University of Alaska). Strong pressure from parties opposed to the use of the death penalty resulted in an unofficial moratorium on executions for several years, with the last one taking place in 1967. Legal challenges to the death penalty led up to a 5-4 United States Supreme Court decision in Furman v. Georgia. Furman v. Georgia struck down the federal and state capital punishment laws that permitted wide discretion of the application of the death penalty. The majority of the justices ruled these laws as cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the eighth amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the due process guarantees of the fourteenth amendment. Only Justices Brennan and Marshall declared capital punishment to be unconstitutional in all instances (Furman v. Georgia). Furman v. Georgia led to many new death sentencing laws. The first execution under the new laws took place in Utah when Gary Gilmore was executed by firing squad for murder.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Importance of Dinosaur Discoveries Essay example -- Anthropology E

The Importance of Dinosaur Discoveries When a paleontologist makes a discovery about Dinosaurs it is usually a celebrated event and will appear on all sorts of covers of magazines and even newspapers, with good reason. These discoveries are often quite exciting for a few reasons. The whole experience of finding a fossil that is hundreds of millions of years old is quite an adrenaline rush, but the fact that each discovery has the ability to answer questions in relation to evolution is quite amazing. Each finding of Dinosaur remains can help answer questions of how that certain species evolved from another. If our species can fully understand how Dinosaurs evolved, maybe in the future we can learn something about our evolution. Without discoveries from the past how is our society supposed to persevere and learn from mistakes that may lead to our own extinction, and who to learn better from than perhaps the dinosaurs that have gone through many stages of evolution and have faced extinction. The finding that will be discussed is the discovery of a new type of long- necked Sauropod Dinosaur named Rapetosauras, in the country of Madagascar (National Science Foundation). It was found by two groups of scientists. One group was headed up by Dr. Catherine Forster of SUNY Stony Brook and the other was led by Dr. Curry Rogers of the Science Museum of Minnesota (National Science Foundation). The paleontologists in total found a skeleton that possessed a set of 80 to 90 vertebrate from the neck all the way down to the tail (National Geographic). The two teams also discovered two nearly complete skulls, one from a young Rapetosauras and another from an adult (National Geographic). The Rapetosauras is a type of Dinosaur called a Titano... ...4 (Primary Source) Hartman, Joseph, Krause, David, and Rogers Raymond. †Stratigraphic Analysis of Upper Cretaceous Rocks in the Mahajanga Basin, Northwestern Madagascsar: Implications for Ancient and Modern Faunas.† The Journal of Geology vol. 108 (2000) : 275. Parsell, D.L. â€Å"Skeleton of New Dinosaur â€Å"Titan† found in Madagascar on National† 1 August 2001. National Geographic News. 4 April 2004 â€Å"Brachiosaurus† Enchanted 2004. 4 April 5 2004 â€Å"New Long-necked Dinosaur Discovered in Madagascar.† Office of Legislative and Public Affairs. 1 August 2001. National Science Foundation. 5 April 2004

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Racism in Nazi Germany :: Ancient Rome Roman History

Racism in Nazi Germany Explain how Hitler made use of racism to carry out domestic and foreifn policy between 1928 and 1941 Throughout Nazi Germany in the period 1928 through to 1941, racism was utilized by Hitler, and in turn his Nazi party, most predominantly to secure Hitler?s position as dictator, and secondly to unite the German people against a common enemy, which would lead to a united powerful state, ready and able to exert its national will. Whether or not his aims were totalitarian in nature is debatable, however, his aims for racial purification and domination over Eastern Europe are made obvious before Hitler?s assumption of power, primarily in the racist crude writings of Mein Kampf, and even from Moellers? Des drittes Reich from the 1920?s. It can be said, therefore, though Hitler may not have been successful in achieving a totalitarian state, he may certainly have desired it. Constantly, it is made obvious, through his use of racism in both Domestic and foreign policy that Hitler?s ultimate aim, was total power, both for himself and his master race - the Volksgeminschaft. Hitler's use of ra cism is continually evident from the beginning of his comings to power, through till his attack on the Soviet Union in June of 1941. Racism, was initially used by Hitler to identify his sympathizers, and most predominant to unite the German people again public internal enemy number one - The Jews. Anti-semitism, anti-communism and attacks on several other minority groups ranging from slavs to democrats, provided Hitler with the Stab-in-the -back theory post World War One, and provides and excuse for defeat with the treaty of Versailles. Being that Nazi philosophy is essentially social dawanism targeted again the Jews and Bolsheviks, providing valid excuses and moral reasons for any attack on, or failure of the German race, the fittest of them all, against minority groups was a legitimate claim and justification for exclusion of these peoples. Hitler used racism to appeal to the pre existing bitter and aggressive side of German nature, thus securing his position as dictator and reuni ting his people. Securing his position as the all powerful dictator, or FÃ ¼hrer, is central to all of Hitler's policy decisions, be they foreign or domestic, and this was achieved through his, and the Nazi?s use of racism. Initially, Hitler used persecution and hatred of minorities such as Jews and communists to identify his sympathizers and supporters throughout the Government and general population, mainly young people and big business, and utilized this power, and appeal to secure his position as chancellor and later president of a united Germany.

Explain for Which Reasons the Real Wage Is Expected

Explain for which reasons the real wage is expected to be acyclical in the classical model, countercyclical in The Keynesian Model and Procyclical in the New Keynesian model. Which model better fits the empirical evidence? Introduction The concept of real wages has increasing significance in the current world. Rising inflation and recession in almost all major economies have led to the importance of studying real wage with respect to prices and economies themselves. Such a study would require an in-depth understanding of the business cycle of real wages.From Classical theory to New Keynesian theory, Cyclicality of real wage has been defined in contrasting terms. Much of the conflicting evidence is simply characteristic of empirical research. Researchers use different model specifications and estimation techniques. Empirical results are often sensitive to the choice of cyclical indicators and time period chosen (Dimelis, 2007). This essay seeks to explain why real wage is expected to be acyclical in the classical model, counter-cyclical in the Keynesian model and procyclical in the New Keynesian model and shed light on which model best fits empirical evidence.Real Wage Real wage is defined as the â€Å"wage paid to the average worker divided by the price level. †(Delong and Olney,2006 p. 535) It therefore measures the cost of labour in real terms as it is the number of units of output that can be exchanged for one time-based unit of work. (Levacic and Rebmann, 1982) The Classical Model In the classical model, the basic assumption is that prices and wages are flexible. The basis of classical theory is that the markets work perfectly, that prices adjust rapidly to cover any gap that may arise due to a difference in the quantities demanded and supplied. Delong and Olney,2006) The classical model thus assumes full employment, i. e. the actual output matches the potential output of the economy. Since prices are flexible, an increase in the supply of labour wil l lead to a deficit in the demand, as a result some workers will become unemployed, and some of the unemployed will offer their labour at a lower wage in an attempt to secure employment. As a result, those employed will also lower their wages causing the wage to decline relative to price level P, and real wage to fall.Due to the law of diminishing returns of marginal product of labour, as real wage falls, firms wishing to maximize their profit will employ more workers leading to an automatic adjustment of the labour market which is once again at equilibrium. In the case of demand exceeding supply, firms will offer higher wages to attract workers which will cause the real wage to rise. As a result other firms will reduce their labour such that the demand equals the supply again, and the labour market is at equilibrium.Thus real wage, in the classical model ,its movement is independent of the direction of growth of economy and is thus said to be acyclical. (Delong and Olney,2006; Mank iw, 2003) Though few empirical studies support the theory that wages are acyclical, most critics pointed out that many wages and prices are not flexible and it is this inflexibility that explains both the existence of unemployment and the non-neutrality of money (Mankiw,2003) .Gamber and Joutz(2001) in their paper ‘Real wages over the business cycle’ studied the movement of real wage with respect to labour supply,demand ,aggregate demand and oil prices and concluded that increases in oil prices and reduced hours had little impact on the real wage thus making real wage acyclical. This could be true of the data studied, however many researchers including Solon et al (1994) have questioned evidence that claimed real wage to be acyclical, saying that a compositional bias tends to mask the true cyclical behaviour of a particular group’s real wage.The Keynesian Model While the classical model is only appropriate when wages and prices are flexible, it provides a simplif ied analysis of how the economy works. A more realistic model is however the Keynesian model which is very different from the classical model in many ways. To begin with, the model does not guarantee full employment and the actual output does not always equal potential output which is due to the basic assumption that prices and wages are â€Å"sticky†. That is, they will not move freely and rapidly in response to a change in demand or supply. (Delong and Olney, 2006)The reasons behind sticky prices have been identified by many economists; some explanations given include the impact of implicit contracts which involve non variable wages together with a probability of layoff, without appealing to risk averse behaviour (Levacic and Rebmann, 1982). Another simplified explanation is that managers and workers find re negotiating wages costly or they lack sufficient information. The problem of â€Å"money illusion† is also a possible explanation where workers and managers over look the effect of price level changes when assessing the impact of changes in wages or prices on their real income. Delong and Olney,2006) In the Keynesian model, if there is a decline in a consumer’s propensity to consume, there will be a fall in expenditure for goods. However, there is no change on the spending on investment goods, flow of exports or government expenditure. When firms see the spending on their products declining, they will reduce the production rather than prices since prices are sticky to avoid accumulating unsold inventory. When firms reduce their production, naturally they will fire some of the workers since workers will not reduce their wages (as they are sticky).This leads to an overall drop in the national income, which as a result of the multiplier effect is greater than the decline in consumer spending. (Delong and Olney, 2006) Keynes’ theory assumes that there is a negative correlation between real wage and output or employment, i. e. that real wage in the Keynesian model is counter-cyclical (Blanchard and Fisher, 1989). Some empirical data supports this behaviour, Swanson(2007, p. 33), in his paper says that â€Å"anecdotal evidence from the Great Depression and the 1920–21 contraction strongly suggests that real wages were countercyclical during these episodes: e. . , â€Å"[Benjamin] Strong wanted to wait until wage rates were lower. He noted that deposits had fallen off considerably, retail prices had fallen moderately, wholesale prices precipitously [56%], but wages had hardly been affected (Friedman and Schwartz (1963) as cited in Swanson (2007), p. 33). † Swanson (2007, p. 34)also notes that â€Å"workers’ wages have been counter cyclical over both the post-War and post-1967 period when those wages are deflated by the price index of the worker’s own 2-digit or 4-digit industry and compared to the state of economic activity in that same industry. And studies using data disaggregated by industry have shown a rather countercyclical behaviour for the US (Mehra, 1982; Burda, 1985 as cited in Dimelis, 1997 p. 312)) Although the Keynesian model was a more realistic model, it was criticised for its lack of clarity on how the labour market, and equilibrium is attained. This led to the development of New Keynesian Economics. (Mankiw, 2003) New Keynesian Model Partly due to criticism of Keynesian Economics, New Keynesian Economics was developed.The new Keynesian model tries to explain how wages and prices behave in the short run by identifying the market imperfections that make them sticky and cause the economy to shift from its natural state. (Mankiw, 2003) In other words, it uses micro foundations to explain macroeconomic effects. The model, like the Keynesian model builds on the assumptions of sticky wages and prices with the traditional model of aggregate demand and supply and tries to provide a better explanation of why wages and prices are sticky in the first plac e.It proposes that small costs of adjustment or rigidities can have large macroeconomic effects. (Mankiw, 2003). Blanchard and Gali (2005, p. 10)assume that â€Å"real wages respond sluggishly to labor market conditions, as a result of some (unmodelled) imperfection or friction in labor markets. † It also assumes that real wages of the current period to some extent depend on the real wage of the previous period. And that current inflation is the result of decisions based on news about future demand and cost conditions obtained in previous periods, in addition to current information.A consequence of that â€Å"distributed lag† property is the emergence of inertia in inflation. (Blanchard and Gali, 2005) Real wages are procyclical and are thus positively correlated with the output, they rise as output rises (above its natural level) and fall as output declines (relative to its natural level). This is because nominal wages are positively correlated with the business cycle , while prices in the New Keynesian model are sticky. (Mankiw, 2003) In the above explanation of the classical and Keynesian model, there is some empirical evidence that supports the behaviour real wage as acyclical and counter-cyclical.However, there are a larger number of studies that conclude that real wage generally exhibits procyclical behaviour ( Keane, et al. (1988);Kydland and Prescott (1989);Solon et al. (1994);Peng and Siebert(2008)). According to Blanchard and Fisher(1989, p. 19), real wage is weakly procyclical, showing a positive correlation between real wage and output but being â€Å"statistically insignificant†. However, Solon et al. (1994) found the aggregate real wage to be significantly procyclical and in a further investigation found that micro study of the same data revealed stronger procyclicality of real wage than that revealed by aggregate data. Kandil and Woods, 2002) Several empirical studies of real wage cyclicality of various countries such as Germ any(Dimelis, 1997), Italy(Peng and Siebert, 2008) and USA( Solon et al. , 1994; Kandil and Woods, 2002) conclude that real wage is more procyclical in nature. One can draw the conclusion that, real wage, as supported by empirical evidence, is procyclical, whether it is weakly procyclical or significantly so. Conclusion It can thus be concluded that, the three models explained differ in many aspects particularly their explanation of the behaviour of real wage.Studies have been undertaken to understand the cyclicality of real wage with respect to real market conditions, and although some studies support that real wage is acyclical and counter-cyclical, a larger number of studies show that real wage is procyclical on an average. On a micro level as well, real wage has shown strong procyclicality. As mentioned before, the great variance of results in the study of real wage could be a result of the different techniques employed for research, the sample of data studied or if the study was aggregate based or disaggregate based.Thus, while the Classical and Keynesian models are applicable in certain cases, the new Keynesian model is appropriate for many of the prevalent markets or economies. References Blanchard, O. J & Fisher, S, 1989, Lectures on Macroeconomics, MIT press Blanchard, O. J. and Gali, J. , Real Wage Rigidities and the New Keynesian Model (October 31, 2005). MIT Department of Economics Working Paper No. 05-28; FRB Boston Working Paper No. 05-14. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn. com/abstract=842285 Delong , J. B & Olney, M.L, 2006, Macroeconomics, Second Edition, New York: Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Dimelis, S. P, 1997, ‘Cyclical and causal relations between real wages and employment in the EU', Applied Economics,Vol: 29: 3, p. 311-324 Gamber, E. N. ; Joutz, F. L. , Real Business over the Business Cycle, Eastern Economic Journal, Summer 1997, v. 23, iss. 3, pp. 277-91 Kandil, M & Woods, J. G, 2002, ‘Employment composition and the cyclical behaviour of the aggregate real wage', Applied Economics, Vol: 34: 6, p. 689-708 Keane, M. , Mofitt, R. nd Runkle, D. E. (1988) Real wages over the business cycle: estimating the impact of heterogeneity with micro data, Journal of Political Economy, Vol: 96, p. 1232- 66. Kydland, F. E. and Prescott, E. C. (1989) Cyclical movements of the labour input and its implicit real wage. Research Department Working Paper 413, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Levacic, R & Rebmann, A, 1982, Macroeconomics-An introduction to Keynesian-neoclassical controversies, Second Edition, Hampshire: Macmillan press Mankiw, N.G, 2003, Macroeconomics, Fifth Edition, New York: Worth Publishers Peng,F. & Siebert, S. W , 2008,Real wage Cyclicality in Italy, Paper provided by Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in its series IZA Discussion Papers with number 2465. Solon, G. , Barsky, R. and Parker, J. A. (1994) Measuring the cyclicality of real wages: How important is composition bias? , The Quarterly Journal of Econo mics, Vol:CIX,p. 1- 25. Swanson, E, 2007,Real wage cyclicality in the PSID, working paper series, Federal bank of San Francisco

Monday, September 16, 2019

Voluntary Euthanasia Should Be Allowed

Human euthanasia has been a disputable issue over the years. Euthanasia, the act of killing someone painlessly which will directly decide one’s death, is inevitably controversial. Arguments opposing euthanasia usually includes that it is a kind of murder, which can never be allowed. However, euthanasia is not bound to be murder, for it can be categorized into various forms, including passive, active, voluntary and involuntary ones (Bonin, 2012). Among them, voluntary euthanasia is obviously not murder.Voluntary euthanasia, which can be defined as a terminally ill person choosing to end his own life when suffers from severe pain but is mentally competent, should reasonably be legalized. In this essay, two reasons supporting the voluntary euthanasia will be given and two counter arguments will be refuted. Two reasons of why voluntary euthanasia should be legalized can be recognized. Firstly, dying peacefully with dignity is the best choice for the suffering incurables.The person conducted voluntary euthanasia is guaranteed to be terminally ill, which means that he is sure to die soon and can only choose the way to die, the way in extremely pain or the painless way. It is usually better for him to choose to die painlessly. Allowing a person to die peacefully without pain is to respect his life, and he can still keep his last dignity. Otherwise if it is illegal to have voluntary euthanasia, the patient can only be tortured by the insufferable pain, struggling to breathe, wishing to have an immediate relief but still have to wait for a sorrowful death.Secondly, the decision of the patient should be respected. According to the definition, the patient who can be conducted the voluntary euthanasia is mentally competent, which means that he can make his own rational decisions (Chand, 2009). The patient is responsible for his own life, and the decision about death must have been considered seriously. Nobody wants to die if the pain is not extremely unbearable, so when he chooses to die, it means that this choice is certainly the only one he can bear.In such cases, nobody except the patient himself can feel how sorrowful he is to live, and how eager he wants to die. How can people decide for someone when they know nothing about the situation he is in? Thus, nobody can decide whether he should live on or not except the patient himself. The decision of the patient is the only one that counts and matters. If the decision of giving up the treatment can be expected and allowed, why cannot voluntary euthanasia be? There are some counterarguments on this issue which oppose voluntary euthanasia.Firstly, some people claim that doctors should not inflict death (Somerville, 2010). However, when considering voluntary euthanasia, it is not to â€Å"inflict† death, but to make death more bearable when the death is inevitable. It is true that doctors are for healing instead of killing, but when there is no more possibility to heal anymore, to relieve the patients’ pain maybe more meaningful for a doctor as well as for the patients. Secondly, some opponents quoted from the constitution of the USA, which says that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person (Bonin, 2012).They argue that even if the patient is terminally ill, his right to life should still be protected and he can only die naturally. However, these people forget that the right to life does not mean that a person should be forced to live, even when he suffers from unbearable pain and has no hope to recover. The right to life means that a person has the right to choose the way of the life, including the death. For other forms of euthanasia, such as the involuntary euthanasia, the patient’s right to life may be damaged as the decision of euthanasia may not be made by the patient.However, as for voluntary euthanasia, it is the patient himself who chooses to live or die, which depends only on his own decision. Thus, voluntary euthanasia does not do damages to the patient’s rights. Instead, the legalization of voluntary euthanasia will be beneficial for patients to exercise their â€Å"right to life† better. In conclusion, voluntary euthanasia is suitable to be legalized, because of the dignity of the patients and the respect towards the patients’ own decisions.The legalization of voluntary euthanasia will neither damage people’s rights, nor hurt the doctors. It is fairly reasonable to make it legalized. References: Bonin, A. (2012). Human Euthanasia, The Debate: The Arguments for Both Sides. Retrieved on March 10th, 2013, from http://www. examiner. com/article/human-euthanasia-the-debate-the-arguments-for-both-sides Chand, K. (2009). Why we should make euthanasia legal. Retrieved on March 13th, 2013, from http://www. guardian. co. uk/society/joepublic/2009/jul/01/euthanasia-assisted-s

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Democratizing Effect of Internet Essay

In the modern world of today, there has been a whole new transformation in how people access information. Rather than having access to information alone, they discuss it with their peers and gain valuable insights into a topic through the ideas and opinions of others involved. (Ferdinand , 2000) There are different conversational technologies through which information available on the internet has and is become democratized. These include blogs, chat rooms, online communities, e-mails, discussion forums, sites like facebook and orkut. com. People discuss different issues with each other from different parts of the world through these sources and contribute in effective exchange and dissemination of information. These have also helped in creating a social circle where people become friends with each other though located in different parts of the world. This means that internet has removed all physical boundaries and has created a virtual world where any one can communicate across the barriers. Through discussions, people strengthen their knowledge base and get to know about different perspectives relating to a single topic. People express their ideas and opinions freely on communities without any fear which can be seen and thought by all. This sharing of knowledge is mainly carried out through conversations where people involve in healthy discussion or raise questions and others answer them. Then there are blogs created on different topics where people post their thoughts on that particular topic. This is not only being done by people to burn time rather this has become their hobby. They like taking an active part in discussion and join communities and post their messages. (David Simon, Corrales , and Wolfensberger , 2002) Organizations are responsible for creating, sharing, storing and retrieving valuable information which helps in the functioning of the business. The internet has helped in doing so. They have employed different knowledge management and information systems which help in the creation and sharing of information. These systems have also caused the internet to democratize information so that everyone working in an organization can make use of that. Every employee from middle level to the strategic level has a computer working on his desk with internet connectivity. They use internet to bring in creative and innovate ideas which raises their position in the organization. Previously, people used to refrain from sharing data or knowledge with others because of the difference in their cultural backgrounds. Most of the conversation was done face to face so people felt uncomfortable in sharing their ideas and opinions. But since internet technologies have become incorporated in the organization, the employees can discuss different issues through the internet on their computers with others without any face to face contact. This has increased their comfort level in presenting their ideas and opinions without any fear of criticism. Organizations have developed intranet and portals where employees and manages share information and discuss any of their issues or problems. Now let us discuss how information is democratized on internet through different conversational technologies. Examples are illustrated to support the topic to make it understand in a better way. BLOGS The first truly democratic tool used through the internet is ‘blogging’. These are web pages created on different topics by authors, teachers, politicians, creative writers, organizations, communities etc to discussing a particular issue and share with others whatever information they have on that particular topic. They also invite ideas, opinions and suggestions from others who view the website to share their comments over the topic. Different bloggers write on different topics and make their information accessible to others. Since everyone can view blogs and comment on it, this information circulates and everyone using internet comes to know about it sooner or later. This creates a democratizing effect on the population by blogs. An example would further illustrate this point. (Saco , 2002) Chinese people were not happy with Dell computers and started blogging about it on the internet. They criticized Dell computers and laptops for their wrong processors and poor customer service and everyone eventually learned about that living in different countries like U. K, U. S. A etc. Dell customers dissatisfied with the product started discussing the drawbacks in the products online. The angry customers combined together from different areas and raised voices against the company leading to severe action like lawsuit. This is the power of blogs or in other words the power of internet. This led the Dell Company into serious trouble when they saw that their purchases were declining and not only their target markets but others were also getting wrong impressions of the company. The customers created a bad word of mouth by blogging on the internet and people all over the world believed that to be true. This created a democratic effect and every one developed a negative attitude towards Dell products. Because of the democratic effect of the internet, people all over the world feel free and empowered to share their opinions and post their comments related to their experiences on websites readable to millions of users. These users also tend to believe their comments and take similar actions. Recently multinationals are themselves creating blogs about their products on web pages and inviting their customer’s comments after experiencing their products. This way the organizations can know whether their target market likes or dislikes their products, whether they feel content and satisfied or not. Moreover, people read blogs related to a product before going for its purchase to avoid any negative feelings thereafter. There are blogs available on a breadth of topics, people blog about the things they like as well as they dislike and this information spreads so quickly through internet that one cannot even imagine the speed. Online Communities People create online communities on topics that interest them. They are like discussion forums where people post their comments related to that topic. They come to know about different perspectives existing on a single topic and sometimes agree with it and some times contradict it. These forums are like debating societies where a group of people speaks in favor of a particular topic while others speak in against. The tone of the discussion varies. By participating in discussion forums people share their information and also take information from others which increases their knowledge base. Communities can also be created on a wide range of topics and have a similar impact as blogs. People ask questions and others answer them thus, allowing the information to circulate worldwide. Chat Rooms This is the most common type of tool used for communication of personal as well as professional information. Instead of posting comments there, chat rooms offer instantaneous communication. They are used in organizations for communication and problem solving purposes. Students and teachers use chat rooms for working on assignments and projects etc. An example for explaining the democratizing effect of chat rooms is the case of Colgate-Palmolive (CL). It was spread through chat rooms in 2005 by Chinese people that Colgate Total Toothpaste which is a product of CL was linked with cancer because it contained a cancer causing ingredient. Not only chat rooms, discussion forums as well blogs played a major role in spreading this information throughout the world so that more and more people should abstain from using this toothpaste as it could be dangerous to life. CL noticed that the sale of its Colgate Total tooth paste nearly diminished because of the internet’s democratizing effect. This effect is causing much harm to multinational companies whose products are not being sold in the world market because of the opinion of people living in one country. E-mail E-mail is one of the most frequently used ways by the whole population for communication purposes. It the replacement of traditional system of writing letters but is faster, speedy, and more efficient. Information is spread very quickly through e-mails. If a person receives an informative mail then he quickly forwards it to all his peers and friends in social circle who then forward it to their peers and the cycle goes on like this. This way the information continues to spread among population without any stop. Whenever we receive any forward mail, the message first starts with a huge list to which the message has already been forwarded. This way one receives huge information regarding different topics. Recently, I received a forward mail in which there was mentioned how mobile phones can burst while used on charge. There were even pictures given to support the point. I immediately forwarded the mail to everyone I knew because it is important for everyone to know the consequences of using mobile phones while being on charge. Another such informative mail was circulated which contained that mentos and cold drinks should not be consumed simultaneously as it leads to death. It showed pictures of an experiment by putting mentos into a bottle of coke which burst with showers. People receive these mails through different sources and we circulate these mails to as many people as possible because we want the world to become aware of these little things which can have bigger consequences. CONCLUSION The above discussion makes it clear how internet can result in the democratizing of information. Critics argue that it is not democratizing of information but it is creating a pro social change among the masses. They say it depends on a person who is using internet. If they are using it for democratizing purposes then it will surely have a democratizing effect. But since internet allows access to all and information is available to all regardless of the purpose for which it is being used then it is rightly said that internet has a democratizing effect. It has created a virtual world where information is not limited and continues to spread among the masses through blogs, e-mail, chat rooms and discussion forums. Any one can create information over the internet and anyone can read that piece of information. There exists no limit and boundaries. Thus, internet has increasingly become a democratizing tool for masses and people use it with increased vigor and determination. (Tranvik , 2005)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Burns’ Perspective Essay

The speaker was addressing a native Indians, most likely her mother. The speaker was trying to trace her culture and trying to differentiate it from her physical and characteristic behavior. In this address the speaker is trying to deny her native identity as American Indian and specifying that it is Native American. It appears the mother was American but the father was Indian. (Burn 741) The poem has the humor in the of living in identity denial yet when the speaker seem to be very much aware of the culture of her identity such as archery practice, stoic face and not drinking a lot. This forms the first theme of this poem of cultural identity denial even though there are physical and behavioral attributes that are associated with the Indian native culture. The speaker consider the Indian rugs very cheap as compared to the American rugs, thus the speaker does not want to be identified with them . (Burn 741) The second humor that is in this poem is the manner in which the speaker is addressing the mother, especially when referring to the father. The speaker is referring to the father as an Indian lover to the mother. The speaker makes it more humorous by perceiving and elaborating how tight the father and the mother were before the speaker was born. This is the second serious theme in the poem. (Burn 741- 742) There are certain phrases that are repeated through out the poem with respective effect. The ‘Yea Uh-huh’ phrase is repeated in the phrase as a scone and laugh at the issues in the theme such as culture and identity. It is used by the speaker to make humorous asserting and make a sense of disapproval to the listener. The ‘No’ phrase has also been used at the beginning of the phrase to vehemently deny the Indian identity and culture in the poem. The ‘Oh’ phrase has been used in the middle of the poem to pour scone on the relationship that existed between the parents. Other commonly repeated phrases are the ‘I don’t and I didn’t’. These are use for the function of reinforcement and utter dissociation. .(Burn 741-742) Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Cofer’s Perspective The tone of this poem is a gamble, with a prayerful wish, to some extent very desperate full of identity hope. It is a gamble as the identity of God is put of debate by the Latin women. There is a prayerful wish as these women are religiously attending the church prayer sessions. Finally the desperate tone is seen at the end when they are not sure if God is or can be bilingual. (Cofer 780). Cofer relates the issues of race in the reference of God as being of Anglo identity with a Jewish heritage even though they pray in Spanish. Therefore the races hare are Spanish, English and Jews The issues of class are related to in the reference of ‘the great white father’ as well as the church environment which as marble that signify effluence. There is debate about the identity of God. The issues of women run all through the poem from the Latin women who pray to the end of the poem where they pray to their dedicated saints such as Margarita, Josephina, Maria and Isabel. (Cofer 780). Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Hughes’ Perspective I am a student who does not see myself from the color perspective but from the opportunities to be what I am and can be in future. I appreciate other irrespective of their colors. I do not disregard others capabilities along color lines. I am aware that life is a learning experience that will give everybody a chance to live their dreams with disregard to colors. These are the aspects that are covered by the speaker. (Hughes 935- 936). The writer complication is the assignment that was given about who they are as blacks yet the tutor is white. This assignment in itself is judgmental hence the complication on the writers side. The writing assignment is fulfilled when the writer goes to an isolated place at the institution and describes their identity on personal and in relations to others in the society. The righter specifies that it is not possible to dissociate others because of their colors. (Hughes 935- 936). The speaker happens to be the only black student in their class, perhaps the oldest at twenty two years and feels discriminated for the color identity. The speaker also describes the way to the institution as mostly affluent and inhabited with whites. The speaker’s response to the question of whether the white paper will be colored when writing is negative. (Hughes 935- 936). The tone of line 27- 40 is one of defiance. The speaker wants to be considered and an American, just like the others. The speaker is also defying the past treatment of dissociation from the rest of the society. The tone is also one of collectivisms when the speaker wants to be considered as an American. (Hughes 935- 936). The instructor will have a whole new perception about the identity discrimination that exits in the society at the moment. The Instructor will be touched and filled with guilt about the past occurrences of the have happened at the learning institution. The instructor will also commend the writer bravery and resolve and will most likely grade it as excellent. (Hughes 935- 936). Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Byatt’s Perspective Daphne is a very sympathetic character. She never goes to the city Mall to shop and does not know so much of the place. The Husband Dollo always leaves her home and feels she is much more comfortable with the domestic chores that with the urban shopping Mall rendezvous. She is also very unaware of the risk of the city Mall security and get all her essential property such as passport stolen when she leave them lying carelessly at the Mall. ( Byatt 502-504). She gets into trouble when she cannot pay for the heavy baggage of shopping at the end of the tour and get more worked up and desperately arrested. All the other ladies did not go round the Mall with her hence she looses directions throughout the session . She is unable to prove her identity and will most likely be identified as a shop lifter unless her husband comes for her. ( Byatt 502-504). The antagonism arises between Daphne and the policeman when she is found lost in the perimeter. She has not been able to pay for the product. She claims her property has been stolen including her passport which is her first step of identification. On arrest, she resists and believes she is not a criminal and will wait for her husband to come out with proof. But this is not resolved as the policeman is impatient there is nobody coming to her rescue. Eventually she must have given in to the arrest. ( Byatt 502-504). Cultural Assumptions and assessment for understanding of Divakaruni’s Perspective The practice of the pre-arranged marriages has long roots in the Indian culture. I thin it should be left upon the lady to decide who to marry, when to marry, how many children to have and after what duration. (Divakaruni, 214- 215). Sumita initially cries of it as she does not have a chance to choose her groom. She also is not for the idea of going to America as she finds the culture quite conflicting with her current beliefs. However Divakaruni explores Sumita’s new life experience from the cloth point of view. As soon as Sumita is married, she gets a whole new experience that ranges from how women in America dress, kiss in public and socialize in the community. This is quite a shift from the normal Indian culture including drinking. (Divakaruni, 214- 219) The Author weaves into the first section to show that everything is in order according to the Indian culture of pre-arranged marriages. The reader will initially see no signs that there are other controversial themes such as the pre-arranged marriages and the roles of the parents on such occasions. In this fist section, the author dwell on the traditional Indian clothes exposition especially the ones worn by the brides in the wedding day. (Divakaruni, 214- 215) Somesh was initially characterized as well able man who is kind and decent and a provider. Later Somesh turn out to be a typical American with drinking and dressing practices that are not well known by the parents. Somesh was also considered a caring man by the parents. He was a very good singer. (Divakaruni, 214- 215) Works Cited: Byatt. â€Å"Baglady† 1998. p. 502 – 504. Burns, Diane. â€Å"Sure, You Can Ask Me a Personal Question. † 1981, p. 741-2 Cofer, Judith Ortiz. â€Å"Latin Women Pray. † 1981, p. 780. Hughes, Langston, â€Å"Dinner Guest: Me. † 1965. p. 898, 935. Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee. â€Å" Clothes† 1990, p. 214

Friday, September 13, 2019

The influence of british eurosceptic tabloids on Public opinion. An Dissertation

The influence of british eurosceptic tabloids on Public opinion. An investigation into the coverage of the single currency - Dissertation Example The elites of Europe were found to be largely supportive about the European integration. They were also able to gather a mass quiescence to some extent, if not the support regarding this agenda from the public (Alarcon, 2004, p.30). Thus for many years, there was relatively little importance that was attributed towards public opinion. This was in accordance with the thinking of neo-functionalist ideologies which viewed the elite behavior as its key towards European integration. It was observed that as the EU continued to become more and more integrated there grew a questioning tendency in the general public (Hansen, 2008, p.5).This was the beginning of euroscepticism. Euroscepticism and its positive and negative features The phenomenon called euroscepticism had crept into mainstream politics in the early years of the 1990’s (Kuzio, 2010, p. 5).Historically, the term appeared to have resurfaced in Britain where the term began to be used synonymously with words like awkwardness or otherness which were regarded to be the oppositionist group against Britain’s participation within the Continental European integration project for political and economic togetherness in the 1960’s (Harmsen & Spiering, 2005, p.13). ... Similarly, the term skeptic has been interpreted as ‘an attitude of doubt or a disposition of disbelief’ (Hansen, 2008, p.7). There would be some argument that euroscepticism is rather a negative signal as a gap that lies between the desire of the political elite along with the European public. It would also argue that as it many normative implications regarding the democratic credentials in the European integration agenda when a large and growing proportion of the EU general public did not buy into the concept, it carried a negative perspective. However, it must be mentioned that there are positive attributes too in the concept of euroscepticism in the sense that it exhibits an increased awareness, mass interest and critical capacity regarding the public. The term also helps to act as a reminder to the political elite that the group would not be able to govern without having popular consent from the mass. Some would even argue stating that euroscepticism is in fact â₠¬Ëœhealthy’ as it invites a closer evaluation of the policy choices that were open to Europe and thus helped to increase the participation of the ordinary public in the policy making process of the EU (Hansen, 2008, p.7). Though Britain did become a member of the EU in 1973, it has been constantly applying for petitions to withdraw its membership form the circle. This was prompted largely by the ideologies pertaining to euro skepticism (1973: Britain joins the EEC, 2012). The political scenario in Britain can be held for propagating euro skepticism. This is demonstrated by their refusal to share power unlike their other counterparts in the continental European integration projects (Harmsen & Spiering, 2005,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

STATEGIC BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

STATEGIC BUSINESS - Essay Example nges and the ways and means by which these could be remedied or fixed, so that uninterrupted and hassle-free use of internet could be ensured to the end-users and clients. The Transport Layer Protocol (TLS) could be defined as a protocol used in a communication network like the Internet. The Transport Layer Protocol provides data security for sent data/information. Data security is made possible by encrypting the data from the client and decrypting it at the receiver. It also ensures that the data is sent to the right person. One of the main advantages of TLS is that it can be extended by laying new algorithms with respect to the client-server algorithms. Different versions of TLS have been developed for computer applications including internet browsing, mailing and IP telephony. The new technology of TLS rushed into the IT scene following the introduction of Secure sockets layer (SSL) by Netscape .However, the introduction of TSL posed a great disadvantage as TSL and SSL failed to function together in proper co-ordination. This became a major hassle for those who were working with new and old networking protocols. But, it is surprising that today, mo st of the browsers operate using TSL. As TLS protocol offers powerful security to the data that is being sent, it acts as a kind of assurance to the person to whom you are communicating with. However, this is possible only when both ends are certified with the TLS certificate. In a typical scenario, this is not possible for all the users. X.509 is the most commonly used certificate for TLS communication. Some of the main protocols that TLS supports are HTTP, IMAP, POP3, and SMTP. TLS is an innovative technology used for modern communication purposes. A key advantage of TLS is that it offers extreme data reliability and security. The data is sent and received by the client server using certain procedures that underlie the protocol. This process starts with the client inquiring about the TLS certificate of the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Capital Punishment and Execution in the US Research Paper

Capital Punishment and Execution in the US - Research Paper Example The major methods of execution used in the past included the exposure of the defendant to a firing squad. There was also the use of gas chambers as well as hanging and electrocution (Weisenberg). Another method which was introduced later, and is mostly used today, is the use of lethal injection to poison the criminal. One of the most talked of execution is that of Pedro Medina in March 1997; one that most people have criticized and termed notorious (Gromer and Gromer). Initially adopted by 38 states, capital punishment has since been banned by law in 34 states. Some more states have put it on hold while a few still think that it should just be practiced extensively (CNN 1). Capital punishment has been an issue of social contention in the US, of late. Many Americans have maintained a support for it, particularly in murder cases. However, the support has been in the decline following strong criticism from some sectors of the American community. I concur with many that there is nothing good in taking someone’s life, and therefore, more humane ways need to be in place for carrying out the duty. I hereby beg to admit that, despite the cruelty in it, sometimes our emotions push us towards seeing the positive side of it. There has also been a widespread debate on whether or not the executions should be televised. My paper seeks to look at the pros and cons associated with both the idea of capital punishment and the television of the executions. It is a fact that many court TV and other television networks today attempt to cover proceedings on criminal cases. They also go as far as televising the cases to interested viewers from homes. Some media executives and lawyers have foreseen a possibility of a future broadcast of the executions too. They use the case of San Francisco’s KQED-TV as an indicator. This television station hit news headlines a few years ago when it asked for permission to record a murderer’s execution. The station intended to sho w the unedited tape of Robert Alton Harris’ execution, though late in the night when children had slept (Weisenberg). It is interesting to note that both proponents and opponents of capital punishment sometimes, ironically, find themselves as strange bedfellows whenever there is a debate on whether the executions should be broadcasted on TV or not. It is common to find a person who is against capital punishment yet they support the idea of televising the executions. Likewise, some proponents of the punishment also tend to strongly oppose the idea of televising the executions. For those who support capital punishment, televising executions will only serve to promote sympathy for the criminals. This sympathy may blind the general public to an extent that they may not realize the injury the criminal meted on their victim. The opponents of capital punishment, on the other hand, oppose the idea of television on grounds that it has the ability to reduce the death penalty to a few m inutes’ affair. This is so false because the pain covers even the time a criminal spends several sleepless nights in anticipation of the fateful day. Some people also think that showing the executions on TV may give a haunting picture to the viewers, especially the emotionally and psychologically unstable ones, including young children (Bender 1). Televising the executions may also make the execution seem, to many people, as a form of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Context aware Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Context aware - Essay Example to Chian(2009)â€Å"When designing context aware tools, especially for mobile computing technologies it is crucial to recognize the reciprocal relationship between context and activities†. However three features of context awareness can be jotted down here: c) As per Cisco (2012) â€Å"By providing the location of rogue access points and devices, the system simplifies and enhances detection. This helps in improving the overall security of the enterprise network†. d) Storage Layer: The context data generated in this layer can be used to identify the application services. All historical data is storage in database. According to Gay (2009) â€Å"The storage layer stores not only the context data of the current status but also the historical context data in the context-aware system†. c) Context Storage: this component aims to storages the historical data of the system in a database. As per Shiffrin, (2005) â€Å"Operations that increase the strength with which item information is stored on a given study trial also increase the storage of context information on that study

Monday, September 9, 2019

Dinosaurs Extinction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dinosaurs Extinction - Essay Example Variations in the time range of activities often render the theory somewhat problematic. However, the theory provides some important insights that attend to issues relating to meteorite activity in relation to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The explanation weaves into other scientific explanations such as the Darwinian Theory of survival for the fittest in order to expand the understanding of the nature of impact as it affected the survival of various animal species following the massive disruption of the food chain (Michael 1). In this regard, the weight of this theory could be assessed from the perspective of some of the issues that attend to the relationship between organisms and nature. This study assigned significant focus on the theory of volcanism in order to provide alternative points of view to the causal relationship between the theory and the other attendant factors that affected species in various ways.The theory of volcanism is based on the relationship between climate change and the extinction of species. In general, terms the volcanic activities that happened within the Cretaceous period in regions of western India. According to those who hold onto the theory of volcanism, the heavy volcanic activities resulted in the emission of massive amounts of sulfur and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, processes such as photosynthesis were significantly affected (Michael 2). The result was a shortage of food that led to the extinction of vulnerable species such as dinosaurs.... In this regard, the weight of this theory could be assessed from the perspective of some of the issues that attend to the relationship between organisms and nature. This study assigned significant focus on the theory of volcanism in order to provide alternative points of view to the causal relationship between the theory and the other attendant factors that affected species in various ways. The theory of volcanism is based on the relationship between climate change and the extinction of species. In general, terms the volcanic activities that happened within the Cretaceous period in regions of western India. According to those who hold onto the theory of volcanism, the heavy volcanic activities resulted in the emission of massive amounts of sulfur and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, processes such as photosynthesis were significantly affected (Michael 2). The result was shortage of food that led to the extinction of vulnerable species such as dinosaurs. However, the stu dy points out one challenge that relates to the difficulty in pinpointing the exact point in time when these volcanic activities took place. The concerns raised in the study are consistent with other refutations that have established a problematic relationship between the action and consequence of the activity. Fastovan and Sheekan (4) study the extinction of the dinosaurs with special focus on North America. The two authors argued that the event took place in an instantaneous fashion. This study explores multiple other perspectives that attempt to situate the dinosaur extinction phenomenon within definite geographical and historical setting. Fastovan and Sheekan

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Peer Influence on Individuals Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Peer Influence on Individuals Behavior - Essay Example Additionally, studies have indicated that adolescents are more controlled by their peers compared to grown-ups. This increased vulnerability to peer compliance during adolescence has been expressed as an â€Å"emotional way station† that connects the gap between being expressively reliant on parents during babyhood to becoming an expressively independent grown-up (Fadell & Temkow, 2010). Influence from peers and peer choice are corresponding processes that collaborate to generate the adolescent’s social framework. Adolescents obtain friends who are comparable to them and they as well seem to get new friends who are somewhat similar to their old friends. This hemophilic selection process generates stability in the social framework. However, friends might be alike on one trait while being dissimilar on others and are never the same to the adolescent. These disparities generate opportunities for adolescents to influence the behavior of each other. In consequence of this influence, adolescents might alter their approaches or behaviors. Consequently, prospect friendship selection might reflect this change. Thus, the adolescent social framework is best considered as being dynamic where choice and influence collaborate to generate both stability and change for the adolescent (Luo, et al., 2003). Peer groups regularly institute unspecified standards for their members behavior that differentiate them from other peer groups. For instance, most high schools have groups of solemn students, musicians, insurgents, athletes, outsiders and collectively oriented or admired students. These groups form an esteemed chain of command since they have diverse statuses. The well-liked crowd, differentiated by luxurious clothing and striking physical appearance, are frequently the peer groups in the highest class. Adolescent’s confidence can be affected by how they perceive the grade of their individual peer group as compared to other groups. Grown-ups occasionally reproach